Source code for penn.laundry

import re
import os
import csv
import requests
import pkg_resources
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

LAUNDRY_DOMAIN = os.environ.get("LAUNDRY_DOMAIN", "")
ALL_URL = 'http://{}/?location='.format(LAUNDRY_DOMAIN)

[docs]class Laundry(object): """The client for Laundry. Used to make requests to the API. Usage:: >>> from penn import Laundry >>> l = Laundry() """ def __init__(self): self.busy_dict = { 'LowBusyNightColor': 'Low', 'LowBusyDayColor': 'Low', 'MediumLowBusyColor': 'Medium', 'MediumHighBusyColor': 'High', 'HighBusyColor': 'Very High', 'NoDataBusyColor': 'No Data' } self.days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'] self.hall_to_link = {} self.id_to_hall = {} self.id_to_location = {} self.hall_id_list = [] self.create_hall_to_link_mapping() @staticmethod def update_machine_object(cols, machine_object): if cols[2].getText() == "In use" or cols[2].getText() == "Almost done": time_remaining = cols[3].getText().split(" ")[0] machine_object["running"] += 1 try: machine_object["time_remaining"].append(int(time_remaining)) except ValueError: pass elif cols[2].getText() == "Out of order": machine_object["out_of_order"] += 1 elif cols[2].getText() == "Not online": machine_object["offline"] += 1 else: machine_object["open"] += 1 # edge case that handles machine not sending time data diff = int(machine_object["running"]) - len(machine_object["time_remaining"]) while diff > 0: machine_object["time_remaining"].append(-1) diff = diff - 1 return machine_object def parse_a_hall(self, hall): if hall not in self.hall_to_link: return None # change to to empty json idk page = requests.get(self.hall_to_link[hall]) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') soup.prettify() washers = {"open": 0, "running": 0, "out_of_order": 0, "offline": 0, "time_remaining": []} dryers = {"open": 0, "running": 0, "out_of_order": 0, "offline": 0, "time_remaining": []} detailed = [] rows = soup.find_all('tr') for row in rows: cols = row.find_all('td') if len(cols) > 1: machine_type = cols[1].getText() if machine_type == "Washer": washers = Laundry.update_machine_object(cols, washers) elif machine_type == "Dryer": dryers = Laundry.update_machine_object(cols, dryers) if machine_type in ["Washer", "Dryer"]: try: time = int(cols[3].getText().split(" ")[0]) except ValueError: time = 0 detailed.append({ "id": int(cols[0].getText().split(" ")[1][1:]), "type": cols[1].getText().lower(), "status": cols[2].getText(), "time_remaining": time }) machines = {"washers": washers, "dryers": dryers, "details": detailed} return machines @staticmethod def get_hall_no(href): return int("Halls=(\d+)", href).group(1))
[docs] def all_status(self): """Return names, hall numbers, and the washers/dryers available for all rooms in the system >>> all_laundry = l.all_status() """ laundry_rooms = {} for room in self.hall_to_link: laundry_rooms[room] = self.parse_a_hall(room) return laundry_rooms
[docs] def hall_status(self, hall_id): """Return the status of each specific washer/dryer in a particular laundry room. :param hall_id: Integer corresponding to the id of the hall. This id is returned as part of the all_status call. >>> english_house = l.hall_status("English%20House") """ if hall_id not in self.id_to_hall: raise ValueError("No hall with id %s exists." % hall_id) hall_name = self.id_to_hall[hall_id] location = self.id_to_location[hall_id] machines = self.parse_a_hall(hall_name) return { 'machines': machines, 'hall_name': hall_name, 'location': location }
[docs] def machine_usage(self, hall_no): """Returns the average usage of laundry machines every hour for a given hall. The usages are returned in a dictionary, with the key being the day of the week, and the value being an array listing the usages per hour. :param hall_no: integer corresponding to the id number for the hall. Thus number is returned as part of the all_status call. >>> english_house = l.machine_usage(2) """ try: num = int(hall_no) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Room Number must be integer") r = requests.get(USAGE_BASE_URL + str(num)) parsed = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html5lib') usage_table = parsed.find_all('table', width='504px')[0] rows = usage_table.find_all('tr') usages = {} for i, row in enumerate(rows): day = [] hours = row.find_all('td') for hour in hours: day.append(self.busy_dict[str(hour['class'][0])]) usages[self.days[i]] = day return usages