Source code for

from os import path
from nameparser import HumanName
from .base import WrapperBase

    'SEARCH': BASE_URL + 'directory',
    'DETAILS': BASE_URL + 'directory_person_details',

[docs]class Directory(WrapperBase): """The client for the Directory. Used to make requests to the API. :param bearer: The user code for the API :param token: The password code for the API Usage:: >>> from penn import Directory >>> d = Directory('MY_USERNAME_TOKEN', 'MY_PASSWORD_TOKEN') """ @staticmethod def standardize(res): # Standardize name name = HumanName(res['list_name']) name.capitalize() res['list_name'] = str(name) if 'detail_name' in res: dname = HumanName(res['detail_name']) dname.capitalize() res['detail_name'] = str(dname) # Lowercase email if 'list_email' in res: res['list_email'] = res['list_email'].lower() # Remove `Faculty - ` from affiliation res['list_affiliation'] = res['list_affiliation'].replace('Faculty - ', '') return res
[docs] def search(self, params, standardize=False): """Get a list of person objects for the given search params. :param params: Dictionary specifying the query parameters :param standardize: Whether to standardize names and other features, currently disabled for backwards compatibility. Currently standardizes names, lowercases emails, and removes faculty label from affiliation. >>> people ={'first_name': 'tobias', 'last_name': 'funke'}) """ resp = self._request(ENDPOINTS['SEARCH'], params) if not standardize: return resp # Standardization logic for res in resp['result_data']: res = self.standardize(res) return resp
[docs] def person_details(self, person_id, standardize=False): """Get a detailed person object :param person_id: String corresponding to the person's id. >>> instructor = d.person('jhs878sfd03b38b0d463b16320b5e438') """ resp = self._request(path.join(ENDPOINTS['DETAILS'], person_id)) if standardize: resp['result_data'] = [self.standardize(res) for res in resp['result_data']] return resp